

1 鍋に火をかけているときは必ず目を離さずその場を離れない。
2 コンロの周囲や下に新聞紙、ビニールシートなど燃えやすいものを置かない。
3 コンロや換気扇をこまめに掃除する。
4 安全のために調理油加熱防止装置が装着されたコンロを使用する。

《自動翻訳/auto translation》
The fire is caused by the heating of the oil, leaving the place with a fire on during cooking.
When using a cooking stove, be aware of the following.

1. When the pot is put on fire, always keep an eye on it and leave the place.
2. Do not put newspaper and vinyl sheet in the surrounding of the cooking stove and the flammable one easily.
3. Clean the cooking stove and ventilation fan frequently.
4. Use a cooking stove fitted with a cooking oil heating prevention device for safety.

Koriyama City Disaster Prevention and Emergency Management Division