

【住宅火災 いのちを守る3つの習慣】
1 寝たばこは、絶対やめる。
2 ストーブは、燃えやすいものから離れた位置で使用する。
3 ガスこんろなどのそばを離れるときは、必ず火を消す。

《自動翻訳/auto translation》
The “National Fire prevention movement in autumn” will be held from November 9th to 15th.
Be careful not to handle the fire because it increases the chance of use of the heating equipment, and the air dries and the fire is likely to occur in the coming cold season.

【House fire Three habits to protect life】
1 Sleeping cigarette, never quit.
2 Stoves are used at a distance from flammable ones.
3 Be sure to put out the fire when you leave the side of the gas stove.

Koriyama City Disaster Prevention and Emergency Management Division